Iceland 2021 – Visit a volcano, take a bath
No bath taken in the volcano, the water of the blue lagoon is a lot more comfortable than the molten rock encountered during our trip to Iceland 2021.
No bath taken in the volcano, the water of the blue lagoon is a lot more comfortable than the molten rock encountered during our trip to Iceland 2021.
A little on the wet side. Weather, hot springs, geysers, icebergs. No pictures on how we took a bath on Iceland 2019.
Our drone has done some amazing job over Iceland again. Sometimes getting it to take off was difficult, the batteries suffered from the cold. And no carrying it around, the snow was deep enough already without having to add this kind of payload. The footage turned out to be in demand for some serious post…
Combine two favorites – Iceland and Aurora Borealis: Iceland 2018
On Iceland, our DJI Inspire 1 RAW had it’s maiden flight. And it scared us a bit, disappearing from sight and getting back from fairly unexpected directions. The videos are still amazing. They do not contain music, as I have no rights to distribute the songs I used. If you want to get the full experience,…
Iceland 2016, the Zebra asked for it.
Iceland 2014, still so much to see. This time, we travelled all the way to the north-west.
The Zebra wanted to take a bath… After such a passage through a river, it took more than half an hour until the Zebra stopped dripping water. In the beginning, we were pretty excited, but learned fast that there is a major difference in a small creek and a proper river. Word of advise –…
Iceland 2013, the first trip for the Zebra and us. Exploring this wonderful country for the first time.